- Bartlett’s Blueberry Farm, 648 Bradford Rd. Newport, NH 603-863-2583, http://www.bartlettsblueberryfarm.com/
- Blue Moon Berry Farm-Blueberries, Waldon Hill Rd. Warner, NH 603-456-3822, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Blue-Moon-Berry-Farm/142761462407864
- Forsters Christmas Tree Farm, 23 Mt. Hunger Road, Henniker, NH 603-428-8733, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Forsters-Christmas-Tree-Farm-Gardens-and-Gift-Shoppe/175345479208125
- Hackleboro Orchards, Canterbury, http://hackleboroorchards.com
- King Blossom Farm-Apples, 834 Dunbar Hill Rd., Grantham, NH 603-863-6125, http://www.kingblossom.com
- Poverty Lane Orchards – home of Farnum Hill Cider – hard ciders created at the farm, 98 Poverty Lane, Lebanon, NH 603-448-1511, http://www.povertylaneorchards.com
- PYO Raspberries, 45 Sunset Hill Rd., Bradford, NH 603-938-647
- Riverside Farm, 141 River Road, Plainfield NH 603-298-8519, http://www.riverviewnh.com
- Springledge Nursery & Produce Stand-Strawberries, 37 Main St., New London, NH 603-526-6253, http://www.springledgefarm.com
Many of our towns have seasonal farmers markets; ask your innkeeper about what’s near by.